
Medical/Absence due to illness

Is your child well enough to attend school

Please follow the NHS link below for advice on children attending school when they are unwell.

If your child is too ill for school, please call daily on 01223 508737, leaving a message on the answerphone to report the absence.

Is my child too ill for school?

It is crucial that the school is informed about any medical condition that your child has.  Please also update the school with changes to a medical condition.

Sickness and diarrhoea 
Children must be kept at home for at least 48 hours after the last attack occurred. Please do not bring children back to school before that time because it puts children and adults at risk from infection. 

Head lice  
Head lice are very common. Should your child be infested, please treat the whole family as recommended by the chemist, and inform the class teacher so that other parents can be informed that an outbreak has occurred. No names are mentioned. The school always tries to pass on information about infestation to parents. It is the responsibility of parents to remain vigilant and regularly check their children’s hair and to take action when any member of the family is infested. 

Medicines in school 
In line with our policy on the Administration of Medicines parents are encouraged, in consultation with the child's doctor, to adjust the timing of the dosage of medicine to avoid having to administer the treatment during the school day. 

Where there is no feasible alternative to the administration of medicine in school the parent must discuss the matter with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. School staff are not obliged to administer medicines, but the Headteacher usually agrees that a child can be given antibiotics at school if the child is well enough to come to school and is simply finishing a course of medication. Parents must fill out an appropriate form after the matter has been discussed with the Headteacher. Antibiotics must be clearly marked with the chemist’s printed label. 

Inhalers can be kept in school, either in classrooms or in the medical cupboard after discussion with the school about a child’s particular needs. 

For further details please see our Administration of Medicines Policy or other medical related policies please click here.