The School Council is an ideal opportunity for children to get more involved in the way the school is run. The School Council benefits the whole school, children and teachers, because it provides opportunities for children to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made. All children and staff are school councillors. Being members of the school council develops skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation. It is the responsibility of each Councillor to ensure that they express both their own view and listen to the views of all the other children and adults during the meetings.
Who are the members of the School Council?
All children and staff are members of the school council. We meet once every half term to discuss school improvements and school events. Our school council is made up of eight groups; each group is made up of about 4 children from each class. Meetings are held in the eight classrooms with the teacher and teaching assistants of that classroom. The Year 6 in each group chair and minute the meetings. After the whole school council meetings the Year 6 meet as an executive with members of the leadership team to decide the next steps.