Mr Matt Day
Mrs Eleanor Toye Scott
Mr Ave Wrigley
Chair/Co-opted Governor
Joint Vice-Chair/Co-opted Governor
Joint Vice-Chair/Co-opted Governor
Mr Hugh Clough
Dr Matthew Crawford
Mr Edward Ferguson
Mr Simon Hill
Ms Katy Holliday
Mr Leng Lee
Ms Razia Mangera
Dr Dani Redhead
Dr Yudan Ren
Ms Emma Smith
Dr Patricia Tate
Mr Joseph Watts
Mr Nick Whitehead
Mrs Annie Hanekom
Mrs Helen Bracey
Local Authority Governor
Parent Governor
Co-opted (Safeguarding Governor)
Joint Staff Governor
Co-opted Governor
Joint Staff Governor
Parent Governor
Parent Governor
Parent Governor
Co-opted Governor
Parent Governor
Co-opted Governor
Associate Member
The articles of government for our size school require us to have:
5 elected parent governors
1 LA governor
1 Headteacher
1 elected staff governor
1 elected support staff governor
7 co-opted governors (of which up to 3 could be members of staff).
The usual route for raising questions, making comments, or airing concerns about the school is via a class teacher or headteacher. However, parents and others are welcome to contact any governors they wish to do so.
Recent education acts have given governors increasing responsibilities in the running of schools. Their main duties, in close partnership with the headteacher, are:
helping to establish the aims and policies of the school;
to ensure that safeguarding for all staff and pupils is provided;
to publish specified information to parents;
to exercise general direction in the conduct and curriculum of the school;
to ensure the right provision is made for children with special educational needs;
to deploy the school’s delegated resources according to the school’s priorities and needs;
to appoint, promote and deal with personnel matters generally, in accordance with the LA and national conditions of service;
to monitor and agree the School Development Plan;
to determine the use to which school premises may be put, by the local community outside the school days;
to oversee the condition of the school premises;
to draw up an action plan after inspection and monitor its implementation.